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Marble Surface


Our lecturer and tutor had kicked off with the first assignment which is exploring the basic design element which are points, lines, planes, voids and volumes. The tasks were divided into part one which is identifying points and lines and describing the spaces of the designer /architect  from six different portrait images of interior space of a building then translate it into 2D drawing/sketches; part two which is convert 2D drawings/sketches into 3D models by exploring planes, voids and volumes. Students are required to create six patterns by connecting the dots from the images to form interesting pattern. After that, students are to choose the best two patterns from part one to develop into 3D model by using bamboo/ balsa stick, colour papers and so on. Two images of the patterns are required to print it in A5 size then later paste it on the foam board as the base. Lastly, students are to come out with two mockup models and a maximum 15cm height for the final model so as uplaod their compilation of weekly progress..


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In part one, I have searched for six different images from the website of interior spaces from six different designers and architects. After that, I randomly connected the dots to form a new pattern and also provide some useful description to my new patterns I created so as the interior spaces to give me more understanding of the concept and style of the spaces. 



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In part two, I have choose the top left pattern and bottom right pattern to further develop my final model. For my first mockup model, I had came out with a chaotic concept. I thought of children my childhood as a kid playing chaotically with friends in the playground. There are many equipment in different heights at the playground. Therefore, I applied that ideas on my first mockup model. The second mockup model concept is insecurity, privacy and protection. I have also applied mockup model one concept and converted the second mockup model two concept into wings due to my thoughts of wings are huge and it can protect others from being hurt so as privacy. For the final model, I have applied and further developed from my mockup models.


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