Our second assignment, 'NATURE DIALOGE', which is a group assignment that consists of four members. Students were to choose one natural setting after watching the video documentary, 'EARTH 2007' and to come out with a video required six to eight minutes. The objectives of this assignment is to create awareness of our mother nature and to learn more about nature elements.
After we have been assigned, I immediately form a group of four and created a Whatsapps group to get to know each other and to run our project smoothly and effectively. We kick started this assignment by choosing a natural setting, which is Sahara Desert and our chosen fauna is Addax Nasomaculatus. We chose Addax Nasocumalatus is because we want to spread awareness on Addax Nasomaculatus that is being critically endangered. Other than that, we also want to encourage public to conserve and preserve Addax Nasomaculatus from being critically endangered.

We came out with the title, 'The Endangered Addax Nasomaculatus In Sahara Desert'. In the meantime, one of my super intelligent member also came out with our group name, 'supercalfragilisticexpialidocious'. Our first group discussion was to gather all informations about Addax Nasomaculatus for script writing in order to proceed to our video shooting. During our first group meeting, everyone was not in a comfortable way due to not familiar with each other. As time passed by, we get along with each other super well. In the second and third meeting, we were to brainstorm our mind in order to perfect our script. During tutorial class, students were broken down into breakout rooms for further feedbacks from our tutor. Therefore, we can further improve our project. I remembered our tutor's feedback was we had to 'cut down' our script due to too much of informations and also had exceeded the time limitation given in the project brief.
( extracted informations on websites)
We had to shoot three days to finalise our video due to trying out different platforms. Initially, we chose GOOGLE MEET as we thought the video quality was way better than ZOOM. However, when I was to edit the video I found out that it was not a good decision due to blurriness and our progress was back to 0%. We were able to finalise our project on time thanks to our kind hearted tutor.
Truthfully, editing was the toughest part due to I have never laid a finger on video editing. I also manage to edit our video by forcing myself edit in two days so that my other partner can finalise the video by adding video effects in it to make the video much more interesting.
(redo video shooting: scene one)